Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Help me name my critters for the book

As you know I am lucky enough to have a pattern book coming out soon. But I need a little help naming the creatures made with the patterns. So I thought who better to ask than my readers? Below you'll find a picture of each creature, feel free to leave a name for as many or little as you like in the comment section.

1. Baby Dragon
2. Giraffe

3. Butterfly

4. Dragonfly

5. Dachshund

6. Dust Bunny

7. Koala

8. Ladybug

9. Little Lion

10. Monkey

11. Octopus

12. Sleepy Owl

13. Bat

14. Squid

15. Cyclops
This one already has a naame, Sy Clops, but other suggestions would be welcomed

16. Toucan

17. Whale

18. Yeti
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  1. Bob the bat
    Touckie the Toucan
    Kenny the Koala

    is all i could come up with
    succes with your work, its beautiful:clap:

  2. I commented on your deviantart pics the names for the bat and owl, but the others, hmmm that's a challenge for cutsie names....... but if I think of anything, I'll let you know

    oh, maybe Puffin the Toucan, that'd be a confusing kinda name tho......... oh well ^w^

  3. Basil for the Bat
    Desi for the Dragon
    Shemar for the Owl
    Isabel for the Dust Bunny

    I'll need to think some more ... :)

  4. Hey Voodoo! This was the first time I clicked on your link and holy cow, those are amazeballs! I really like them and here are my name suggestions:

    2. Benny the Giraffe
    6. Fuzz the Dust Bunny
    8. Sadie
    11. Lenny the Octopi

    Congratulations on the pattern book.
    Allerielle (From Regretsy)

  5. Hi! Just to let you know I’m Cinciut from dA :D Congratulations for the book I’m really happy for you!!!
    Here my little suggestions for the names:
    1. Baby Dragon: for me it is definitely Grisù that was an old Italian cartoon of a baby dragon (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gris%C3%B9_%28serie_animata%29), I’m not sure you can use it but is him!!Well it is also the name of the flammable gas so maybe……..

    2. Giraffe: Raf (recycled from one of mine on dA)
    3. Butterfly: Lilly
    9. Little Lion: Lyellow :D
    10. Monkey: Cichi
    12. Sleepy Owl: Ronfy or Ronron (I was thinking about comic books when someone sleeps….)
    13. Bat: Pippi (that was the name I gave it on dA as in Italian bat is pipistrello) or Vampy (from vampire)
    15. Cyclops: Monoculus
    18. Yeti: Snowy
    that’s it for the moment :D!!
    See you soon on dA ;)

  6. I absolutely LOVE your stuff! I had bought a pattern from you couple weeks ago and it was so much fun to make! I can't wait for you book to come out :) Congrats to you!
    Peepers for the owl
    Beakmen for the Toucan
    Luna for the dragon
    Kippy for the Koala
    Maestro for the Monkey
    Lee for the Lion
    Binx for the Dachshund
    Tubs for the Whale
    Alfonzo for the Bat

  7. The dachshund HAS to be named Schnitzel! Too cute!

  8. I'm really bad at coming up with names but wanted to say congrats on your upcoming book! Those little critters are really adorable.

  9. Did you publish your book yet? May I ask the title?
