Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not the best day ever

So it's been four days without a sale and I'm feeling a little glum. On top of that my T-rex is not working itself out like I had hoped and for some reason there is no money tree in my backyard. So I'm going to back burner the Rex for the night and work on some of the other things floating about in my gray matter. Hopefully the ideas for the T-rex will congeal in there whilst waiting and I'll be able to look at it without thinking firey thoughts. :) that's it for now, oh I do have new pictures In my Etsy and on my Flickr if you want to check them out or tell strangers about me, you know whatevs. Ta ta and good night.
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Friday, March 27, 2009

The Lamb is done on to the REx

Can you tell I was watching Ghost Hunters? They always say on to the next...anyway now that I've cemented my place as dork the lamb pattern is officially for sale here and I'm going to start working on the T-rex I've been asked to design. I've got it fairly well sorted out in my head let's just hope it survives translation onto paper. Plus I'm working on other stuff whilst my computer continues to make my life hell.

Some pictures of the lambs I made for my mini monsters' easter baskets
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A day of firsts

Woot!(when did that become a word?) first there was my first artfire sale, coupled with my first pattern request, and now I've been featured in a blog, this blog to be exact :http://noricum.blogspot.com/ you should check it out, she's pretty funny.
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My first Artfire Sale!!!!!

Yay! I've been signed up for a couple of weeks without any sales, but today not only did I get a sale but a request to make a pattern. I'm so excited I squealed and did a happy dance.
Just to show you what Artfire is (in case you didn't know)

It's similar to etsy, but probably a lot cheaper.
somehow I don't think it looks like it should so check the side bar it'll be over there too
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Stress and Twitchy Eyes

So I've been more determined than ever to make new patterns, only I was trying to rush the process and ended up disliking the poor defenseless plushes. It's not their fault and I'll find my way back to them I'm sure but for now we need a break, It's not them it's me. We can still be friends. I swear my eyes don't twitch when I look in your general direction, its just allergies. Honest. :)

Someone did offer to buy the rights to my patterns, which while flattering is not going to happen. When it comes to my creations I turn into gollum and they become my precious. Still my ego likey and it lets me know i must be doing something right. So forward march, nose to the grindstone and all that blather. Here's the newest plush I'm working on, his pattern will be available soon.

And here are the discarded plushes that make my eyes twitch with unhappiness.

And for my next trick ladies and gentlemen, I shall pull a rabbit out of a hat...wait wrong line. I'm going to attempt to make a time lapse movie of a mini crocheted bear being made. We'll cross our fingers and toesies just in case :)
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Friday, March 20, 2009

just because

One of my drawings, just because
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A bad case of the blahs

So I haven't posted in few days, mostly because I've been feeling blah about everything. My sales have tapered off (that's what I get for not putting any new patterns in my shop) and I was having a hard time thinking of anything to do. But I woke up today feeling better, my plants are sprouting ,it's sunny and warm and I have ideas vying for space in my brain. So all is right in my world once again and I have a list of projects I want to do.
In no particular order, here they are :

Big bad wolf/ three little pigs mini

Bunny in a carrot kayak mini

Interchangeable bean bag babies

felted notebook covers

lambs (for easteriness)

various felted pouches

and at some point I plan on working on a contest entry for The Artisan Crafts Club on DA'
flower contest

Oh and I did finish my commission of fruits and veggies

And this is what I worked on yesterday, I'll probably write up the pattern soon...and give another leg :)
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Monday, March 16, 2009

Bunnies on the brain

I don't know if it's because Easter is fast approaching or just because I'm nuts but lately all the projects I want to do are of bunnies, I've been drawing them and searching for them on Deviant Art like crazy. But the upshot is I have plans in the works for dress up dolly bunnies with different clothes and accessories so my kids will be thrilled. My bunny girl of previous post is a bit of a wash, she's all finished but for some reason I hate her so I'm posting her picture. I'm also thinking of dipping her in gravy and feeding her to the neighborhood dogs :)

And an update on my veggie comish, I've got at least one of everything I've been asked for now I just have to finish the multiples.

When I'm done with them I've got some artsy minis in the works as well
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Almost Famous

Out of curiosity or maybe just boredom I googled my name. not my actual name but my screen name voodoomaggie and imagine my surprise when I found that there were 425,000 results. Now they weren't all for me. But the majority of them were, I found all the sites I regulary update (etsy, Deviant Art, myspace,etc.) But what was more pleasantly surprising was to find my works on social bookmarking site like weheartit.com ans something called wists where people can make an internet wide wishlist. I'm so excited that my efforts are starting to pay off.

In other news I'm busily crocheting some fruits and veggies for my commission from the vp of Gorbella's I've got the pears done and 1 of the corns, and my daughter has demanded a pink pear. :)
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy Little Bee...bzz

So it seems I'm never going to have to be the lazy bum I'm used to being. I've got two projects half made, a million filling up my notebooks, And another in the wings that came through thanks to Gorbellas I've been commissioned to make a bunch of fruits and veggies for a play kitchen, and for a raffle where the people in attendance will be given my business cards (guess I should hurry up and make some huh?) In addition to the raffle she also heads up a couple of mom based clubs who she'll be giving my info to. Hurah for free advertising and I guess charity really does pay off. Here's my works in progress>
Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen it amputee bunny and decapitated bee. Aren't they sweet?

oh and before i forget, I've a new deal going in my etsy shop. If you suggest a pattern and I make it you get 50% off the purchase price of said pattern. Woot!
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

To err is human...Can I be something else?

I know mistakes happen but i don't have to like it. I've had two patterns now with problems, very small ones but still I'm charging  people for them they should damn well be perfect. I feel like a giant boob when I have to email twenty people to say oops i made a boo boo. but alas it happens, and I did fix it so that should count for something right? right?

okay on to something more pleasant, I went for a walk today, it was cold, sunny, and perfect. I snapped some pictures and here are some of the good ones.

And here is my progress on my bunny girl, it's taking longer than usual but stuff keeps getting in the way
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Easter Goodies

So In case you haven't noticed...which being that no one is out there, you haven't. I'm no good at keeping up on these things, I've never felt I had much to say that was actually interesting. But in the interest of leading myself to success I'm going to give it a whirl.
Easter is coming up and I'm working some new Plushies, maybe even a bag or two. I have yet to reach a consistent goal of making $17 a day on my etsy site, soI'm going to work my fingers to the bone to come with patterns to sell. The first of these is a girl dressed as a bunny so far she's adorable but she's just a head so we'll have to see how that evolves. Next up in no particular order is a chick and a lamb and a carrot bag. SO wish me luck and stop being non-existent. :)
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